When is the annual subdivision garage sale?
Usually the first weekend in June. Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm.
Who is responsible for the streets in our subdivision?
The streets are owned by Wayne County
Does the home owner association salt the streets during the winter?
The board has only budgeted for the intersections to be salted upon request due to limited funds. The association does not have the resources to salt the entire subdivision.
What day is trash pick up?
Trash is picked up on Mondays. Please have it curbside no later than 6am. Here’s a link to the complete “Refuse Collection Guidelines & Rules” from Canton Township.
How much are the annual dues & when are they due?
Effective Jan 1st 2024 the annual association fee will increase to $100, unless a special assessment has been set the the Board of Directors.
The Association fee covers a period from January through December and are due each year on January 1st, however you may pay by March 1st without a penalty. Payments received after this date will be assessed a 6% late charge plus $20 late processing fee. Status letter fees are now $50. Further questions may be answered in the “Willow Homes Association Bylaws, Covenants & Restrictions“, which can be found on our website.
There have been roudy groups of teens in the park behind my house for the last several days; I know they don’t live in the subdivision. What can I do?
Please contact the “Canton Twp Police Department” 394-5400 and file a complaint. They have officers that are assigned specificaly to this area.
To report a street light outage.
Please contact Detroit Edison @ 1-800-477-4747
I’ve seen my neighbors dumping yard waste in the park. Can they do this, and what can I do about it?
NO, this is in violation of Canton’s dumping ordnance which the police do enforce. Please contact the “Canton Twp Police Department” 394-5400. The offender(s) will receive an “Appearance Ticket” on the spot or a misdemeanor warrant will be issued. The fine for illegal dumping is up to $500.
Do our streets get swept by the the twp?
From Tom Casari, Canton Twp. 5/7/09 ~
In response to your questions, Canton does not typically sweep residential streets. Our street sweeping program began as part of Canton’s storm water permit requirements. We generally sweep the developing residential projects and either the developer or builders in the projects pay for the cost of the sweeping. Recently, the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) hired the Township to sweep Ford road monthly throughout the spring, summer and fall. In addition, the Pheasant Run Roadway managers Association (PRRMA) also hired the Township to sweep its residential streets which are private roads.
The Twp Board has authorized us to sweep Wayne County primary roads like Haggerty and Canton Center as well. We are doing this because the County has reduced or eliminated their sweeping program. If you are interested in us sweeping your roads we can prepare a cost estimate for this services. The PRRMA system is roughly 10-12 miles of roadway and we charge $1,500 per sweep
Who is responsible for cleaning up the creek that runs thru the sub?
From Tom Casari, Canton Twp. 5/7/09 ~
The creek is a county drain. Currently the county has jurisdiction for the maintenance. If they work on it, they assess the cost to the drainage district which is all properties that drain into the drain. The Township in the near future may take over responsibility from the county for maintenance purposes. We are in the middle of discussion with them at this time. Cleaning generally means maintaining the design flow channel so that it does not flood adjacent properties. It does not mean removing paper and stuff like that. For cleaning litter and stuff that won’t cause a flooding problem, we would suggest that the home owner association be responsible for that type of maintenance.
Who is responsible for cutting the grass on Morton Taylor, Warren and Lilley Roads?
Wayne county is responsible for these areas, but does not maintain them. Canton Twp cuts the grass on Morton Taylor from the sidewalk down to the curb. However residents who’s homes back up to Morton Taylor road are responsible to maintain the strip of land between the sidewalk and the end of the property line. This includes weeding if necessary. Warren and Liley Roads entrances are cut by the Willow Homes Association grass contractor.